by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects, running
At Simhachalam, the spirit of community and growth among the Matajis has never been stronger. Over the past months, our efforts through the ESC project, Women, Faith, and Social Cohesion, have resulted in a flourishing bond between the women in our ashram. This...
by AmritaGopi | completed, Deutsch, Projects
Seid Teil unserer spirituellen Gemeinschaft – Unterstützt das einfache Leben und hohe Denken nach Srila Prabhupada In der spirituellen Umgebung des ISKCON Jandelsbrunn e.V. – Simhachalam Temple Germany streben wir täglich danach, die idealen Prinzipien Srila...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects, Uncategorized
European Solidarity Corbs project series 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 When we were awarded our Quality Label in 2022, we could not have anticipated the profound impact that project series 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 would have on our community and participants....
by AmritaGopi | completed, Projects
Projektreihe 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 im Europäischen Solidaritätskorbs Als wir 2022 unser Quality Label verliehen bekamen, ahnten wir noch nicht, welch tiefgreifende Wirkung die Projektreihe 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 auf unsere Gemeinschaft und die...
by AmritaGopi | completed, Projects
After the huge success of the youth camp in 2019, it finally went into the 2nd round In August this year, there was a lot going on in Simhachalam after the long break due to the Corona pandemic. One highlight was this year’s youth summer camp, which we were...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects
“Healthy Gourmet” (2019-2-DE04-ESC11-018204) is an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) project, which has just been successfully concluded. The project centered around the topics of sustainability, health and well-being – related to preparing tasty, healthy meals...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects
‘Empowered for Life’ (2018-1-DE04-ESC11-017293) is a European Solidarity Corps (preciously known as EVS) project, which we have just successfully completed. This voluntary service project for one Austrian volunteer Tanja was centred around the topics of...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English
Last summer we participated in Empowered by Diversity youth exchange project which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 13th August 2019 to 19th August 2019. This project brought together 44 young people from Latvia, Spain, Slovenia, Germany and...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects
Yet another successfully completed Erasmus+ project: “Happy Cow, Happy Society” (2018-2-DE04-KA125-016876). “Happy Cow, Happy Society” is an EVS (European Volunteering Services) project, which emphasized the fact that happier animals constitute...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English
16th to 23rd September 2019 Simhachalam hosted an Erasmus+ sponsored youth exchange, entitled ‘Healthy and Happy You(th)’. Around 30 participants from Spain, Slovenia, Germany and Lithuania gathered together for a wide variety of activities, such as fun games,...