This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. (BG 2.9)
We try to provide courses on different topics to give a preview of the ancient Vedic culture.
Bhakti Course
Within one month you will get the insights of a monk life and the basic understanding of what Bhakti and its process involves. This course is for newcomers, spiritual enthusiasts, those wanting to broaden their understanding of Yoga and curious people. You will learn about the history, philosophy and application of Bhakti-Yoga
Spiritual life is essential for human kind, thus it is utmost important to get proper training in spiritual life, philosophical clear understanding and practical application of the thesis.
We welcome you to our annual Bhakta Course with the fixed dates of 1st September – 1st October.
15.-19. April: Bhakti-Shastri Bhagavad Gita Teil 1
Lehrer: Dhira Nitai Das Teilnahmebedingungen: 1. Einweihung in ISKCON (in Ausnahmefällen Einweihung vor dem Abschluss des BS-Kurses) und Empfehlung der ISKCON- Autoritäten. Kursgebühr: 20 Euro pro Tag einschließlich Übernachtung im Ashram, Prasadam, Kursteilnahme und...
18.-20. Oktober: Bhakti Shastri Sri Isopanisad
Lehrer: Dhira Nitai Das Teilnahmebedingungen: 1. Einweihung in ISKCON (in Ausnahmefällen Einweihung vor dem Abschluss des BS-Kurses) und Empfehlung der ISKCON- Autoritäten. Kursgebühr: 20 Euro pro Tag einschließlich Übernachtung im Ashram, Prasadam, Kursteilnahme und...
Online Courses
A training programme in English which deepens devotees’ understanding of the guru principle and taking shelter of the guruwithin the multiple guru environment of ISKCON. Designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON, the course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, councilors, educators as well as all other already initiated devotees in ISKCON. The 14 lessons include PowerPoint presentations, interactive workshops and assessment exercises. Since 2016 this course is the prerequisite for the first and second initiation in ISKCON. The course was developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee, with the combined efforts of leading educators in ISKCON.
Daily we are offering Astanga Yoga for our guests and volunteers. If you want to part take in those courses please let us know in advance.
Cooking Course
As the saying goes “you are what you eat” it is most important to know what is good for us and what is not. Thus the ancient art of healthy cooking is described in the health section of the Vedas called “Ayurveda”.
Ayurveda specializes defining a unique diet for every individual which can keep you fit and healthy but also cure many diseases.
If you are interested on how to cook ayurvedic, vegetarian meals please contact us.
Music courses
Kirtan, glorifying God, is the process of elevation for this Age of Darkness. It revives the dormant consciousness of the Soul to achieve higher understanding.
In Kirtan we use three traditional instruments: Harmonium, Mridanga (Drum) and Karatals (Cymbals)
In our courses we teach how to properly play them for the pleasure of the Lord.
To book such a course please contact us. We do also give private Lessons.
Guru Disciple Course
A training programme in English which deepens devotees’ understanding of the guru principle and taking shelter of the guruwithin the multiple guru environment of ISKCON. Designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON, the course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, councilors, educators as well as all other already initiated devotees in ISKCON. The 14 lessons include PowerPoint presentations, interactive workshops and assessment exercises. Since 2016 this course is the prerequisite for the first and second initiation in ISKCON. The course was developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee, with the combined efforts of leading educators in ISKCON.