Last summer we participated in Empowered by Diversity youth exchange project which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 13th August 2019 to 19th August 2019. This project brought together 44 young people from Latvia, Spain, Slovenia, Germany and Netherlands. The aim of the project was to learn together about differences and to become more motivated to live in unity with people from different backgrounds, countries, speaking different languages, with different color of skin, opinions. Bringing different cultures together enriches our lives, provides new opportunities and teaches us how to become one. The goal of the project was to proactively promote and cultivate the idea of unity in diversity, inclusion and empowerment, and develop respect, mutual appreciation of different cultures, and by learning about different cultures and more about Erasmus+ opportunities for youth also getting new ideas of how to transform their talents into entrepreneurship opportunities.
Anna, the project participant from Germany, recalls her experience as follows: ‘Empowered by Diversity helped me a lot to understand people from other countries better and to learn expressing myself better. We all had a good chance to observe all different cultures and through supporting each other in many different tasks, we were able to grow together in the diversities and thus withdraw from prejudices. Furthermore, it was a great opportunity for me to reflect on who I am and meditate on where I would like to go in life. Everyone could learn something from that experience.’