Maintenance is the mode of goodness, renovating the temple of Sri Sri Prahlad Narasimha Dev is our mission, so that future generation will be able to visit the temple in a pure and clean environment.
The space above the temple of Narasimha will serve as an accommodation for our monks (brahmacaris).
We are currently renovating the roof of the main temple building. Clearing the space has already been completed and we were able to put up separating walls.
Approximately we have spend so far: 54 000€
6 000€ Architect Plans, 8 500 Insulation, 2 600€ Tools, 2 000€ Reparations, 2000€ Transport, 1000€ Disposal Expenses, 3000€ Windows, 4 000€ Plasterboards, 3000€ Heating System, 10 000€ Miscellanea
Outstanding: 38 000€
5 000€ Electricity, 8 000€ Fire Safety Measures Hallway, 15 000€ Emergency Exit (Ladder), 5000€ Floors, 5 000€ Furniture
If you feel inspired to contribute and be part of this service please contact Gour Mohan das at