by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects, running
At Simhachalam, the spirit of community and growth among the Matajis has never been stronger. Over the past months, our efforts through the ESC project, Women, Faith, and Social Cohesion, have resulted in a flourishing bond between the women in our ashram. This...
by AmritaGopi | completed, English, Projects, Uncategorized
European Solidarity Corbs project series 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 When we were awarded our Quality Label in 2022, we could not have anticipated the profound impact that project series 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 would have on our community and participants....
by AmritaGopi | completed, Projects
Projektreihe 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 im Europäischen Solidaritätskorbs Als wir 2022 unser Quality Label verliehen bekamen, ahnten wir noch nicht, welch tiefgreifende Wirkung die Projektreihe 2022-1-DE04-ESC51-VTJ-000068096 auf unsere Gemeinschaft und die...